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More about us:

Founded in 1988 in Zurich (Switzerland) MARTE today is one of the leading experts in leather-service in switzerland. Our goal is to help anyone understand the issues concerning the use of leather, and to help maintaining leather through offering answers for your leather concerning questions.

MARTE provides all leather services including: Repairs, Reconditioning, Cleaning and Conditioning, Moisturizing, Softening, Restoration, Refinishing, Dyeing to change color, Deodorizing, Waterproofing, Stain-Resisting, Upholstery, Sales of specially developed leather products, in-house and online.

Our Services provide a new possibility to reduce costs by preservation instead of purchase.

We work with any leather: Furniture in home or office, boats, cars, airplanes, etc. As an Aircraft-Leatherservice provider our services are well known by renowned international Airlines and leading business aviation service companies such as British Airways, Lufthansa, KLM, SWISS, Jet-Aviation and much more. Our Products are Aircraft-Certified.

To be able to provide our services as cheap as possible we spent a lot of work in developing and finding out usable maintenance products. What we have found out are very effective recipies not only for leather care but also for the whole household, business and industry requirements. So now we produce these products partly in our own factory or by our partners.

MARTEs aim on top of service providing is delivering traders and the industry with outstanding products for surface care and cleaning to competitive prices.

Successfully many companies distribute MARTE-products today. And this under their own label, what ist a furter advantage by MARTE. So smaller manufacturers and traders as well are the possibilities given to enhance their product-supply without spending much time and money in developing own techniques and research..

We stand by you !


MARTE International GmbH
Heiligengrabstraße 12
D - 95028 Hof / Saale

Phone: + 49 (0)9281 144 155 1
FAX-1:   + 49 (0)9281 144 155 2
FAX-2:   + 49 (0)9281 738 191
e-mail: contact @

In switzerland:

Winterthurer Strasse 358 + 422
CH - 8051 Zürich

Phone:   + 41 (0)44 321 47 96
FAX:       + 41 (0)44 321 49 22

e-mail: contact @

Our products are available under the label ”PATINA-naturell” in specialized trade, drugstores or directly from us.

Are you a retail trader and do you want to add your assortment of goods with PATINA-naturell-Products? We offer attractive special conditions for traders.

 In Switzerland we are a member of the WIR !

Of course you can contact us directly for advice per phone or write to us.

We are pleased to consult you !

MARTE GmbH - MARTE International GmbH - PATINA-naturell Schweiz - Deutschland - Österreich - Kompetenz in Leder und Haushalt - Produkt und Leistung direkt vom Hersteller

Ihr Partner für die Pflege und den Erhalt von Ledermöbeln, Lederbekleidung, Autoleder - Schweiz, Deutschland, Österreich - Produkte für Heim und Familie direkt vom Hersteller

Marte Zürich Patina-naturell Patina, naturell Lederwerkstatt Reparatur Leder Pflege Glattleder Rauhleder Rauleder Nubuk Lederpflege Ledercreme Ledermilch Lederdoktor Lederreinigung Lederpolster Ledermöbelpflege Autoleder Autolederpflege Oldtimer Motorrad Lederseife Lederfarbe Lederfarben Ledermöbelreinigung Lederpolsterrestaurierung Lederpolsterreinigung Ledermöbelrestaurierung Lederreparatur Lederfärberei Lederfärbung Polsterreinigung Polsterei Sattlerei Restauration Renovation Renovierung Brandloch Umfärbung Autoteile Auto Autosattler Autosattlerei

Lederpflege Lederpfleger Lederpflegemittel Lederpflegeprodukt Lederpflegeprodukte Lederreinigung Lederreinigungsmittel Ledertönung Leder Lederreparatur Lederreparaturen Lederreparaturdienst Lederreparaturservice Lederwäsche Lederwaschmittel Lederteile Lederartikel Ledermöbel Ledergarnitur Ledergarnituren Ledersessel Ledersofa Ledrersofas Ledersitz Lederstühle Lederstuhl Ledersitze Ledersitzbank Ledersitzbänke Lederbalsam Ledercreme Lederseife Lederkleber Leder kleben Lederklebstoff Leder waschen Leder reinigen Leder pflegen Leder Produkte Lederwerkstatt Lederfarbe Lederfarben Lederfärbung Lederöl Lederpflegeöl Lederreiniger Lederfett Leder fetten Glattleder Nubuk - Leder Sattelseife Oltimersitze Autositze Ledersitze Lederkombination Lederkombi Lederpolster Ledertasche Lederbekleidung Ledertaschen

Reinigungsstein, Polierstein, Putzstein, Universalreiniger, Orangenreiniger, Wasserabweiser, Regenabweiser, Stein, Pur, Citronenstein, Camping, Caravaning, Outdoor, Motorrad, Boot, Yacht, Campingbedarf, Motorradbedarf, Factory, Outlet, Hersteller, Lieferant, Gastronomiebedarf, Industriebadarf, Microfaser, Mikrofaser, Microfasertuch, Microfasertücher, Mikrofasertuch, Mikrofasertücher, Radierschwamm, Saugschwamm, Saugblock, Gallseife, Zimtsohle, Zimtsohlen, Einlegesohle, Einlegesohlen, Kosmetik, Lederkosmetik, Lederspachtel, Lederkleber, Kleber, Klebstoff, Fettlöser, Kalklöser